2010年10月26日 星期二

73633 The summary of relevant sources

I consider about priority seat and ask myself a question. “Why do a few people have compassion now?” This is my own answer. I think priority seats are considerate. Everyone who sits on this kind of chairs will yield it to someone in need. So everyone has compassion. This is my own thinking. I don’t see what others think about. So I find out an article to read.
According to Ming-sen Wang’s article, I start to ponder on it. He puts some real things into a story. So I can understand quickly. Here is a bus. There are some vacant seats. Everyone will sit on, yet no one will sit on priority seats. At the same time, a person who is humanitarian gets on the bus. He will sit on. If he sees who is disability, he will yield seat. He thinks if he occupies priority seat, he will condemn by conscience. However, who wants to sit on priority seats? If you seat on, you have to yield and you don’t have a seat. This reflects in society. No one wants to seat on. On the contrary, if a person who is hardness he will sit, he will never yield. He just closes his eyes and pretends he doesn’t see anything. Of course, he won’t be that bad. If there are some vacant seats on bus, he will choose to cover that kind of uneasy. However, the use of priority will be lower.
In fact, everyone is the combination of these two people. Ming-sen Wang supposes that everyone sits on normal seats will not yield. Contrary, people sit on priority will. Maybe it is true. So if every seat becomes priority seats no one will sit on a chair. Why not cancel priority seats? Use everyone’s humanitarian mind to yield a chair. Through out this article, I think people have compassion. I can improve my thinking. Almost everyone agrees with it” If human have morality, every seat can be a priority seat.”

From: http://sffreedom.wordpress.com/ 2008/05/14 /%E6%B7%BA%E8%AB%87%E5%8D% 9A %E6%84%9B%E5%BA%A7%E7% 9A %84%E7%B6%93%E6%BF% 9F %E6%95%88%E6%9E% 9C /

